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New around here? Start With the Basics

Here you can find are some basic information about search engine optimization services.
What is Ethical SEO? (Aka: “White Hat SEO”)
Ethical search engine optimization, in short: is to follow guidelines and accepted standards to search engine optimize a website. This means we don’t use any tricks or cheats that are sometimes employed by “Black hat” practitioners.
Using “White Hat SEO” or Ethical SEO leads to much longer-lasting, stronger positioning that can withstand frequent changes made to algorithms.
Optimization strategies can sometimes result in faster results, and are used by Black Hat Optimization but most often are not long-lasting. Some Black Hat strategies can result in being penalized, or even permanently banned by some major search engines and directories.
White Hat Optimization is the only way to go, don’t take the risk of having your site banned.
This is the most common FAQ we are asked
A website doesn’t show up in search engine results due to many reasons or display well.
Any of the following can affect your web sites search engine positioning, and web traffic.
Note – Repeated submissions to search engines will not help.
Never employ a service that automatically or manually submits your site to search engines more than once, this is unnecessary and can be considered spam by some engines and major directories.
Keyword research has a huge effect on web traffic, without knowing what the public search for and what search phrases they use, how can you expect to capitalize on potential web traffic?
We research all your most important keywords for each page you want to be indexed, and highly listed in engines.
From there we now know what keyword phrases are most searched for, and which are a waste of time.
For example if you are selling “Peach nectar”
Our research might show that the phrase
“Nectar Made of Peaches,” is never searched for.
“Nectar from Peaches” is searched 200 times a day.
Obviously, we then want to use the keyword phrase “Nectar from Peaches”
Our keyword research experts can help identify the best keywords to target for your business.
Search friendly design means, to make a site that is easy for the search engines to read and index.
Search engines can’t read or index some of the following:
Flash animation
Java Scripts
PHP or data base driven content, and have a hard time properly indexing these pages.
Poison words and stop words, some words may cause your site to be penalized for inappropriate content.
Many engines and directories hate Automated Submissions, many consider them SPAM and may ban your domain for their use.
There are many aspects to consider, in order to achieve the “Top of the List” on Google, MSN and Yahoo. If you are not getting the traffic you want and your site is not search friendly, let our SEO optimization experts help redesign your site and SEO optimize it to offer the best chance of top positions.
SEO’s are in disagreement on which meta tags are used by which engines and how much weight the engines place on meta tags.
The best advise we can provide is to always include meta tags, but do not abuse them by attempting to stuff them full of keywords not present on the page.
There is never any harm in including well formed, relevant meta tags.
“How do I achieve top 10 search results?”
To achieve top 10 search results your site should follow these general rules.
Search engine friendly web design is a must
Flash web sites can’t be read by search engines
Java script navigation should be avoided or used as secondary navigation
Conduct extensive keyword research and include it in your content
Build back links aka inbound links to your site to help build Page Rank (PR) and improve search results
Relevance, strive to make your site the most relevant to its keywords in the search engine index
Black hat, never employ deceitful methods to fool search engines or visitors
Here you can find some of the most asked basic information about the technical aspects of internet services.
Responsive design is crucial for today's Internet and knowing some of the basics will help you better understand your audience.
When it comes to website design, there are many questions you may have. We hope you can find some answers to many of them here.